History of Pelicon d.o.o.
The history of Pelicon company dates back in time before World War I, when Jožef Pelicon - »Pepo« opened his first butcher's shop in Šempas. Nearby was also a small slaughterhouse where 3-4 animals were slaughtered daily. Slaughterhouse with butcher's shop was one of rare around, located near local church.
The slaughterhouse and butcher's shop already had ice-refrigerating sistem. That's why they needed huge pieces of ice so the meat could be refrigerated right after slaughter and could be on sale for long time. With that purpose, blocks of ice were transported from near 1.140m high hill once a week by night. They were wrapped in straw or spruce branches. Ice was excavated in 385 meters deep, so called, Big ice cave in Paradana. Slaughterhouse served mostly for slaughtering animals for seeling meat in home butcher's shop in Šempas. Once a week meat was being sold also in Vogrsko at traveling butcher's shop which was in fact wooden cart with boxes in ice. Best parts of carcasses were sold in Gorizia. Until World War I business went very well. But then the family was forced to leave everything behind and go to exile.
After end of the war and returning to Šempas both, butcher's shop and a home house were demolished and teritory was under Italian jurisdiction. In year 1922, slaughter house was renewed and also a new butcher's shop was built in ground floor of home house. »Pepo« had both two sons trained for butchers and with time, his son Edi overtook butcher's shop and craftmanship in Šempas. His other son Miro opened butcher's shop in Gorizia. In addition to butchery they were also buying livestock in whole Vipava valley and Trnovo plateau. Business was rising but then again, as history repeats itself, Second World War happened.
After war, Edi Pelicon had succesfully lead business until 1955. Nationalization followed and left family without work and basic needs, because slaughterhouse and butcher's shop automaticaly became states property.
In 1952 Edi's son Evgen was born, who continued the family tradition in a big Slovenian meat industry corporation. He was in charge of purchasing meat and livestock and also for meat wholesale.
After he resigned from the company in 1991, along with two companions he started a private company, which covered cutting plant, cold store, freezer and two butcher's shops. One was located in Ozeljan, other in center of Nova Gorica. Beside meat retail they were also dealing with meat supply for restaurants, meat wholesale and livestock import.
Evgen Pelicon quit the company in 1998 and on 9th of June same year started his own company PELICON d.o.o., which still operates succesfully today.